Lower Back, Hip and Pelvic Pain 

Lower Back, Hip and Pelvic Pain common complaints, especially during and after pregnancy. Women tilt their pelvises to compensate for the weight of the baby, leading to excessive curvature of the spine (lordosis). In addition, hormonal changes cause lax ligaments and possibly instability of joints. Teaching women proper posture can prevent and alleviate these problems.

Widening of the gap between the “6-pack” muscles of the belly (diastasis recti) happens commonly in pregnancies. The thinning of the connective tissue leading to separation of the outer abdominal muscles results in an unsightly pooching out of the belly, and may also contribute to back pain and abdominal discomfort. Physical therapy increases tone, strengthens and synchronizes these muscles.

Treatment is always patient specific, tailored to the individual based on the assessment and carried out on a one-on-one basis. Some modalities may include: postural correction, soft tissue techniques, neuromuscular training, muscle specific strength training, ergonomic advice.