Pelvic Organ Prolapse

The organs of the pelvis ( bladder, uterus, rectum) are held in place by the supporting pelvic floor muscles and surrounding ligaments. Organs may be prolapsed (e.g. cystocele, enterocoele, rectocele) due to connective tissue weakness and loading such as pregnancy or being overweight. Pelvic floor exercise plays the role of improving the condition and preventing further descent.


You may notice a bulging within or at the entrance of the vagina or you may  feel like the bottom of your pelvis is very heavy or it feels like it is ‘going to fall out’. First, see your gynecologist for a diagnosis. If a prolapse is the cause of your symptoms, then we are here to help you get stronger and feel better in your body.


Surgery can help with the loosened suspension of the organs in the pelvic region within the abdomen. The pelvic floor muscles, which support the organs from below, should be strengthened prior to and after surgery to maximise the benefits and help maintain them.

Treatment is always patient specific, tailored to the individual based on the assessment and carried out on a one-on-one basis. Some modalities may include: increasing pelvic floor muscle awareness, control, strength and tone through exercise, biofeedback, electrotherapy and neuromuscular retraining.






Source: NeoMedic International