Prenatal Pilates

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many physiological changes. The organs shift, your joints experience change, the posture changes and pressure is placed on the pelvic floor muscles. Birth itself is a process that requires a great amount of physical effort. In order to maintain health and physical fitness, it is recommended to choose an individualized form of movement that takes into account the stages of pregnancy.


What is Pilates?

It is a form of exercise that helps to restore correct postural alignment, release tension and develop suppleness, strength and stability. The exercises comprise controlled movements and positions that help you develop strong core muscles in the pelvic floor, abdomen and lower back. There is also a focus on deep rhythmic breathing techniques, which enhance concentration and promote a sense of well-being. Although it may sound complicated, it´s really just about strengthening the muscles you use to perform everyday actions, such as sitting down, opening a door or picking up a grocery bag. If your muscles and posture are inadequate, then you may injure yourself or experience musculo-skeletal pain.

Prenatal Pilates

Prenatal Pilates is a tailored exercise program that takes into account the changes your body goes through during pregnancy. Exercising Pilates on a regular basis during pregnancy helps maintain a physical and psychological balance.


Some of the benefits: 

-reduce lower back and hip pain

-strengthen your deep abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles

-strengthen your pelvic floor

-strengthen your legs

-maintain a healthy weight

-maintain mobility of the spine

-mobilize your pelvis

-learn to control your breathing – also beneficial for labour

-improve your balance


-speed up post-partum rehabilitation

-be a part of a small group that fosters a sense of community where moms can share their thoughts and feelings and learn from each other.


Exercise is especially recommended from the second trimester.


The next group will start on Wednesday, March 13th at 10:00.


For more information and signing up (limited spaces) please call

Blanka Fekete: +36 30 867 6073.