What to Expect


Case History

On your first visit to PhysiOsteo, a thorough case history will be taken including your present condition and your medical history. The more details you can furnish at this stage, the better.


Physical Examination

Afterwards, during a physical examination, the osteopath will assess the relevant area of the body and all related structures. This will be done in a seated, standing  and/or lying position. It will also include active and passive movements of the body. The osteopath will check for red flags and send the patient to see a doctor or specialist if he finds any structural problems. Here we must underline that osteopathy is complementary to Western medicine and does not substitute it for certain problems and pathologies. If all red flags are ruled out, then the osteopathic examination can commence.

Osteopathic Examination

During the osteopathic examination the osteopath checks the body for different functional problems. It also involves testing several related structures, not only the problem zones. For example a hip problem requires an in-depth evaluation of the hips, the knee, the foot, the sacrum, the lower back, and the abdominal structures.



Your osteopath will then discuss his findings with you and also what the following treatment will involve and what you should expect.


The techniques used vary according to the individual and the diagnosis in order to provide the best treatment for you. For more information please click here.


What you should wear

Please wear comfortable clothes when you come in for a treatment. With your consent, you will probably need to remove some clothing from the examined area during treatment.


If at any point during the treatment you feel uncomfortable or are in pain, just let your osteopath know. Your osteopath is there to answer any questions you may have during the treatment.