
Benjamin Dupont (Français, Deutsch, English)



I was born in France but grew up in Cameroon, Morocco and Germany. My international background is an essential part of my personality. I am a native speaker of both French and German, have advanced fluency in English and am a beginner in the Hungarian language.

After graduating with a double degree (BSc and BHSc) in Physiotherapy from the Hogeschool Utrecht and the Hochschule Fresenius in Idstein, I worked first as a physiotherapist in a rehabilitation center in Bad Homburg and later in a private practice in Luxembourg. Having played handball and rugby for many years, sports have always played an important role in my life. Serving as the physiotherapist of a First League soccer team in Luxembourg was an important experience for me.

After completing my studies in the field of physiotherapy, I became interested in the more holistic approach of osteopathy. I received my diploma as an osteopath (D.O.) after a five-year study program at the International Academy of Osteopathy in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. As an osteopath I treat problems of the musculoskeletal and visceral systems, as well as issues regarding craniosacral system. I use osteopathic manipulative treatment and soft tissue techniques.

I moved to Hungary in 2018 with my wife and three children, where I founded PhysiOsteo, one of the first osteopathic clinics in Budapest.

Zsófia Agg (Magyar, English)


The human body amazes me, the joy of movement enlivens me, and helping others is simply the most important mission in my life. Understanding my patients, is not enough; I strive to appreciate their situations and envision their goals.


After graduating from the University of the West of England, in Great Britain, I was driven to deepen my knowledge of subjects, so that I would have excellent competencies. I began to immerse myself in the topic of postpartum regeneration, incontinence and edema therapy. Completing the ‘Mummy Tummy’ course, the 'Evidence Based Physiotherapy for the Pelvic Floor'  and the ‘Complex Physical Edema Therapy by Földi’ here in Hungary helped me broaden my knowledge.  


The Pelvic Obstetric and Gynecological Physiotherapy, a UK based Professional Network organized two professional development opportunities: 'Pregnancy Related Physiotherapy: lumbar spine and pelvis' and the 'Female Urinary Dysfunction' course, which I attended. Jilly Bond's 'The Happy Bladder Course' introduced a new set of skills on pelvic pain, which I strive to implement in my practice. I have also expanded my skills in EMG biofeedback, cesarian scar healing, uterine visceral therapy, manual therapy and kinesio tape specific to pregnancy. I continue to vigilantly seek new opportunities to develop my skills. 


The experience I gained during my placements in Great Britain and in my hospital based inpatient work allows me to approach my calling from many different perspectives, to provide the best care for my patients.

Blanka Fekete (Magyar, English)



Movement and bodily consciousness have been part of my life since my early childhood when I practiced ballet and modern dance, which eventually led me towards the miraculous world of Pilates and Yoga.

After having practiced Hatha Yoga for several years, I completed my teacher training course at Asram Yoga and Meditation Center Budapest in 2014. I also hold a First Class Honours Diploma in Dance Studies, which I obtained at the University of Malta. The latter also includes my qualification as a Pilates instructor and fitness coach. In 2018 I also attained a Pilates Trainer Certificate in Budapest, which specialized on prenatal health and well-being.

Being a practitioner and teacher in the past couple of years, has led me to a more holistic approach to our body, as well as to an in-depth understanding of its complex nature and structure. My journey has also allowed me to realize that physical exercise is not enough. We need to get to know ourselves better in order to reach a state of inner peace and comfort.

Zsuzsanna Papp (Magyar, English, Deutsch, Español)

Psychologist and Autogenic trainer

I specialize in autogenic training, consulting psychology and I am a couple- and family therapist candidate. After having pursued a career in journalism, editing and HR, I turned toward my vocation in psychology. I graduated at Eötvös Loránd Science University in 2012. Shortly afterwards, I started to work as a consulting psychologist at the gastroenterology department of the Honvéd Hospital. My goal was to improve the quality of life of patients living with chronic disease. I am currently working on this topic in a PhD program at the Semmelweis University.

Some of the fields that intrigue me are stress management, psychosomatic illness and enhancing the quality of life of people living with a chronic condition. I am also dedicated in providing support during challenging life events, such as moving to a new country, childbirth, or becoming a parent. My approach to psychology is systemic and I am an advocate of preventive healthcare.

Life experience means a great deal to me when working with clients. I have a great amount of international and intercultural experience and have walked-climbed-danced my way to deepen my self-awareness. I have three children and a dog and live in an intercultural marriage.

Dupont Kinga Krisztina (Magyar, English, français)

Psychologist, Family and Couple Therapist, Family Psychodrama

Katrien Smet (English, Dutch, "Français")


Nutritional therapy addresses various conditions by examining and changing lifestyle factors and dietary habits. It is an evidence-based, holistic and personalised approach targeting the underlying causes of a disease, rather than the symptoms. Some of the many benefits are improved gastrointestinal. heart and brain health, natural detoxification, weight loss (or weight gain), more energy and a stronger immune system. Nutritional therapy is a cornerstone in chronic disease prevention and management and aims to maximise your health potential.


My story in a nutshell? I am Katrien, Belgian, living in Central Europe (Bratislava, Prague, Budapest) with my husband since 2004, an mom of twins. I found my passion as part of my healing journey, after dealing with digestive issues. Got fascinated by the power of food as medicine and the amazing abilities of our body to heal naturally. My Curious nature led me to explore the science of Nutritional Medicine, and I graduated at Nature Care College in Sydney as an Integrative Nutritional Therapist. I take courses and trainings on a regular base as there is so much to explore (e.g. genetic and functional lab testing, balancing hormones naturally, breath work...).


When talking to clients, I came to realise that true healing only can happen if a person is treated as whole, on the level of the body, mind and soul. It is all inteconnected. Why can it be so difficult to make changes, even though we´re clear on what we need to do? What is keeping us from taking action? this triggered me. A master training as Life Coach and H-NLP practitioner (Lazuli coaching, Antwerp) provided me with the skills to support mc client on different levels.

For more info: Tel.: +36 30 60 63 766